Friday 29 September 2017


Wow! what a busy week.


This week has been inspirational maths week, the children have shown great teamwork. They have faced lots of challenges and at times have really had to think. Their brains have definitely grown this week, I think mine has to!

This challenge was to use a 6ft piece of string to create 2D and 3D shapes, but there were rules. Each person in the group had to hold the string and there had to be no string left over. We were great at the 2D shapes, but the 3D shapes were definitely a challenge.


We have come to the end of our English topic this week, resulting in some excellent news reports on the beheading of Anne Boleyn

Tudor Dance 

Over the last few weeks we have been putting together a Tudor dance, thinking about the speed of the movements. This was particularly important when thinking of the rich Tudors as the ladies wore large gowns and the men carried swords. Next week we are going to put all our moves together and then try them in time to the music.


We have been colour mixing this week, particularly thinking about skin tone. This is ready to paint our portraits of Henry VIII.


The children have been introduced to some french over the last few weeks. Hopefully now we are able to say hello and goodbye to each other, ask what each others names are and how we are feeling.

Other news....

Hautbois House letters have gone out this week, there is a meeting on Thursday 5th October at 6pm to discuss this further.

Sunday 24 September 2017


Year 5 have had a great start to the academic year, settling quickly into the routines and coping with the expectations of year 5.

We have had a busy start to the term and have started getting stuck into our topic work and units.


We have been busy looking at the features of a news report, we have created headlines from pictures, looked at how we can include the 5W's (who, what, where, when and why) in our opening paragraph, discussed the difference between direct and indirect speech and looked at how we know if something is a fact or an opinion.

Our news stories are going to be about the beheading of Anne Boleyn, we have researched her death and started the planning process. Next week we will have the finished reports.


Place value has been the focus of the first few weeks, we have looked at rounding, ordering and comparing, negative numbers and Roman numerals.

Next week is Inspirational maths week and we are looking forward to the practical activities.


This terms topic is the Tudors, we have started looking at the Tudor Monarchs and researching the many wives of Henry VIII.


We have started looking at portraits in preparation for our portraits of Henry VII. We began by looking at where the features sit on the face and then have drawn portraits of each other. We look forward to showing off our portraits in our Tudor gallery.

In other news...

Friday was an exciting day as we got to vote for the  year 6 representatives for School Council and Eco council, we then held a vote in class to find our own representatives. Congratulations to Finn, who will represent Polar Bears on the School Council and Logan who will be the Eco Council representative.

Week 4th May 2020

Some wonderful work to showcase from last week.   Super effort everyone.