Monday 23 April 2018


All information relating to Hautbois will be added to this blog.

We will keep it up to date during our time away, with photos and regular updates.


We have arrived safely and been to our rooms. Beds are sort of made, some better than others!!

We are just completing the obstacle course and nightline, then off for lunch.

Had rather a wet afternoon but we have completed the archery and abseiling. Children were amazing at abseiling, we had lots of nerves but many overcame these to climb down the wall.

Dinner was good, we had gammon, potatoes and beans followed by chocolate brownie. We are now in the lounge playing games.

10:30 pm most are asleep now so hopefully a good nights sleep for all. 😀

Pictures will follow as having problems uploading from the iPad.


Good morning. Children are all up, some quite early! Everyone slept well.

The sun is shining so we are hoping for a good day.

Breakfast is at 8am then we are off either on the low ropes or canoeing.

After lunch we will be kayaking or raft building.

Wow what a day, there has been some fantastic teamwork on the low ropes. I could not be prouder of how some of the children have supported each other.

Canoeing and kayaking were amazing, water was cold but we have had so much fun.

Children are all (well I hope all) showering and getting ready for dinner. We are then off to toast marshmallows by the campfire. Highlight of the evening will be the children teaching the adults to floss, this could be embarrassing, I hope the are patient with us. 😀

Had some very tired children last night, most were asleep by 9:30 and all is still quiet at 6:30am.


Busy morning today, we will be sorting out bedding and packing first thing. After breakfast the children will either be crate staking or going up the climbing wall.

We are aiming to be back by 3pm, should we be late a message will be sent.

I know that they are all really looking forward to seeing you.

We are home.😊

I would like to say a really big thank you to all of the children, they have been amazing and made it such a fantastic experience. We have loved every minute of it and couldn't be prouder, watching what they have achieved the last few days.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.


  1. Well done Year 5. We're all very proud of how well you got on at Hautbois. It sounds like you've really shown excellent courage, respect and many other values.

    You (and the adults) have earned the extra long weekend to rest! See you on Tuesday.

  2. A big thank you , to all the staff. James had a fantastic time and loved every minute of it.

    Katie gills


Week 4th May 2020

Some wonderful work to showcase from last week.   Super effort everyone.